
Monday, April 13, 2020

You can conquer! - 1 Samuel 14:6

1 Samuel 14:6 "... for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few"

The Philistines assembled to squelch a perceived threat from the Israelites. The Israelite king Saul and prince Jonathan commanded three thousand warriors. Only Saul and Jonathan had swords. The Philistines assembled an enormous force: thirty thousand chariots, six thousand cavalry, and warriors numbering "like the sand on the seashore". Overwhelming odds!

The Israelites hunker down on one side of a pass, the Philistines camp on the other side. The sides of the pass are steep.

Meanwhile, Prince Jonathan is a believer. He trusts God. He knows Israel is God's chosen people. Jonathan decides to step out in faith. He tells his armorbearer God is not worried by the huge size of the enemy. He will ask God to show his will by a very specific sign.

Jonathan takes a step of faith. He immediately springs into action. He and the armorbearer clamber up the opposite side of the pass. They reach the top, and now directly face the enemy. It is at this moment that God responds! He clearly answers Jonathan's prayer. Jonathan commences battle. One man against millions. He strikes down twenty warriors. But how can he destroy a whole army?

God answers Jonathan's step of faith by going to battle on his behalf. A tremor of fear goes through the enemy's ranks. The ground quakes. The Philistine warriors start fighting each other. The Israeli lookouts see the Philistine army melting away. Saul mobilizes the troops and they pursue the Philistines. God gives the Israelites an amazing victory.

We too face huge enemies. Today we face the coronavirus and many other enemies too. Like addiction, emotional issues like anger or fear. Depression and hopelessness. These enemies may seem impossible for us to conquer. But we can be sure it is God's will that we overcome these overwhelming enemies.

It takes a step of faith. Like prince Jonathan, we must recognize that God wants us to vanquish the enemy. We can't do it on our own, but God plus us are a majority! With God nothing is impossible (1). We trust God and he gives us the victory (2). The battle is the Lord's (3).

So whatever the battles we face, God is ready to give us the victory! All it takes, is a Jonathan taking a step of faith!

Will you be that Jonathan?

1. Luke 1:37
2. 1 Cor 15:57
3. 1 Sam 17:47

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