
Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Slaying our giants! - 1 Samuel 17

It is summer. The creek in the valley has slowed to a trickle. Tension fills the air. The Israelite soldiers fearfully gaze across the valley, at the opposing army. Suddenly they see the object of their fear, the giant Goliath, striding out to taunt them. Goliath is 9 1/2 foot tall, probably 4 foot taller than the rest. He challenges the Israelites to send out their strongest warrior to fight him, one on one.

The Israelite soldiers tremble with fear. David, a shepherd boy, has a divine appointment that day. He has experienced God's intervention before. He knows God wants him to do battle with the giant.

David clambers down to the creek, and selects five smooth stones, as ammunition for his sling. He was adept at using the sling, it was part of his skillset.  He climbs up the opposing hill, till he stands before his enemy, Goliath. David takes a stone, places it in the sling, then throws it with all his might at the giant. God guides the stone to exactly the right spot, the forehead,  and the giant is knocked senseless. David pulls the giant's sword, and slays Goliath!

Quite a story.

We all have giants in our lives.  Maybe it is the fight against addiction. Maybe it is some other issue like anger or anxiety.  Or something else.

It is Gods will that we overcome our enemy (1). This will take courage, our giant is not just going to play dead (2).  It will take standing against the enemy's attack (3).

But as with David, God stands ready to fight alongside us (4). There is a partnership principle in our relationship with God. When we draw near to God, he draws near to us (5). David said God teaches his hands to war (6). We are responsible to fight. But it is God who gives us the victory (7).

Whatever our giant,  we can overcome it, with God at our side. We were created to be slayers of giants! Both physical and spiritual.

Continue reading this blog to learn about how to deal with the issues in your life!

Keep on fighting the good fight!

1.  Revelation 3:12
2.  1 Peter 5:8
3.  Ephesians 6:13
4.  Exodus 14:14, Deuteronomy 1:30
5.  James 4:8
6.  Psalm 18:34, 144:1
7.  1 Corinthians 15:57

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