
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Resurrection Day!

Happy Resurrection Day!

Most of us are self-distancing and taking precautions against coronavirus. Many of us are afraid of the future. We may have lost our job and are fearful of bankruptcy. We may be afraid of becoming ill, and dying.

There are a host of issues we could name here.

But today is Resurrection Day! This day we celebrate hope for the future!

3 days before

Let’s go back 2000 years

3 days ago twelve men sat around a table, and observed Passover. Part of the meal was roast lamb, symbolizing Jesus our Passover (1). After the meal, they went to the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus was arrested. The disciples scattered. After a mock trial, Jesus, who was innocent, was scourged and then condemned to crucifixion.

At 3pm, Jesus cried out “It is finished” and died (2)

Disciples took down Jesus body from the cross, wrapped it in burial cloth, and laid it in a nearby tomb.

What did Jesus mean by saying “It is finished”?

“It is finished” referred to many things Jesus came to do.  He came to preach good news, he came to heal the sick and set people in spiritual bondage, free.

The biggest thing he meant, though, is that as his final act, he was now dying on our behalf.

Why is it that Jesus had to die for us?

It is because since Adam and Eve, mankind has sinned, broken God’s laws.  All of us have sinned. I have and you have. Our collective sin and guilt allowed Satan to bring suffering and death on this planet. This would include the current coronavirus pandemic.

By Jesus dying on our behalf, if we wish to receive it, our guilt can now be removed. He paid the price for us.  The wages of sin is death (3) - Jesus had to die.

Resurrection Day 

Sunday morning some women went to the tomb where Jesus had been buried. They found that the stone blocking entrance to the tomb had been rolled away.

The tomb was empty!

Later on, Peter and John ran to the tomb and verified that the tomb was empty. That evening, Jesus appeared to the disciples, showing he was truly alive. For over five weeks, Jesus appeared to the disciples. Over 500 eye witnesses! (4)

Resurrection day reminds us that Jesus did not stay in the tomb. He was resurrected to new life!  

Not only did he die so we could be forgiven, he now lives to walk with us on this journey

Psalm 139:5 says You are all around me, in front of me and behind me. You have put your hand upon me”. So in this time of fear and uncertainty, Jesus is the Rock we can depend upon. We are not on our own in the face of impending calamity. Whatever we go through, whether it is loss of a job, fear of financial disgrace, if we are sick and even if we die, Jesus is with us. He told us “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (5)


So Resurrection Day is a day of hope.

We are not on our own as we face the challenges of life, no matter how insurmountable they may seem. Our hurts, hangups and addictions have an answer.

Jesus is not still hanging on the cross, or buried in the tomb.  Jesus is alive and truly with us. He welcomes all who want this relationship with him, to turn to him.

Do you want to start this relationship with him today? Please pray the following prayer together with me.

“Lord Jesus, thank you for dying in my place so my sins can be forgiven.
“Please remove my guilt from me and give me a fresh start.
“I surrender my life to you and ask you to come in and transform me from the inside out.
“Thank you for hearing and responding to this prayer.
“In Jesus’ name, amen”

If you prayed this prayer today, please let us know by emailing us at or by commenting below.  We will send you literature to help you on your personal journey with the One who is the true shepherd of your soul.  

“Lord we come to you this morning on Resurrection Day.
“We celebrate the fact that you were raised from the dead, walked out of the tomb, and have been transforming lives ever since.
“We pray that you would be with each one of us and walk through our individual storms with us.
“Please cause the coronavirus epidemic to come to an end, and keep your people safe from the pestilence that walks at noonday.
“We ask that we as a nation would have a change of heart and turn to you.
“And we pray for your blessing upon us this day.  
“Thank you for your incredible love for us. In Jesus name, amen.”

1.  1 Cor 5:7
2. John 19:30
3. 1 John 3:4
4. Acts 1:3, 1 Corinthians 15:6
5. Heb 13:5

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