
Friday, January 31, 2020

Clothed in white!

This morning I was reading Exodus 28, where God details to Moses how the priests are to be dressed.  The description given shows no expense was spared. The colors are of gold, blue, purple, scarlet and fine white linen. Gemstones are added, large enough to engrave the names of the tribes upon. God is particular about how his representatives are dressed.

These instructions of course were for a physical priesthood. The people of Israel would clearly see the special calling of the priests. God provided special clothing for his representatives.

In the New Testament, there is no instruction that apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, elders or teachers should be dressed in any particular way, different from the people around them.  Perhaps this is because basically we are all the same, sinners saved by grace (1). However, the Bible does tell us to honor those placed over us (2), that pastors and elders should receive remuneration as a mark of the honor God places on them, and the work that they do (3). So a distinction is made, not because of any particular personal goodness, but because God honors the office.

When Jesus returns and we are clothed with our spiritual body (4), we will receive garments of white (5). These white garments have a meaning attached to them, the righteousness of the saints (6).

Where does this righteousness come from?  Is it because of the elder's obedience? No, not really. Though pastors and elders are held to high behavioral standards (7), they are human and are not perfect (8).  The righteousness represented by white robes is given to each of us by grace (9).

The righteousness we receive comes through our sins having been forgiven, washed figuratively in the blood of our passover Lamb, Jesus (10).  Just as the blood of the passover lamb, painted on the door posts, protected the Israelites from death (11), similarly we are protected from the consequences of our sins (12) by the blood of Jesus, shed on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus became our passover lamb, the ultimate sacrifice (13).

In the old testament sins were forgiven by a sacrifice (14).  But the blood of animals cannot atone for sin (15). It took the blood of Jesus to accomplish this for us. This is how we receive these robes of righteousness.

"Dear Lord, thank you so much for sending your son Jesus, to become our passover Lamb.  Thank you that because of his sacrifice, I can be forgiven, cleansed of all my sins.  I ask you to forgive me, and give me a robe of righteousness, symbolically cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. Thank you for this fresh start in my life. In Jesus name, amen."

1. Romans 3:10, 23, Ephesians 2:5, 8
2. 1 Peter 2:17
3. 1 Timothy 5:17
4. 1 Corinthians 15:35-44
5. Revelation 6:11, 7:9-14
6. Revelation 19:8
7. 1 Timory 3:1-7
8. Romans 3:10
9. Romans 3:22-24
10. 1 Corinthians 5:7, Revelation 7:14
11. Exodus 12:1-14
12. Romans 6:23, Revelation 1:5
13. 1 Corinthians 5:7
14. Leviticus 4:1-35
15. Isaiah 1:11, Hebrews 10:4

Sunday, January 19, 2020

I'm your God, I'm your Healer!

Exodus 15:26 "If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee."

There is so much sickness on this earth! So many people are ill.  Sickness comes in many forms: physical illness, emotional issues, addictions, basically anything that stops us living a healthy life.

Perhaps you are ill in some way.

In the above verse God is saying he is our healer.  He wants us to be healthy! His intention for us is not that we live in pain or torment or subservient to some kind of addiction.  His people are meant to be healthy!  This verse says that sickness is a punishment for God's enemies, but not for his children.  

So why are we sick?

We live in a fallen world, sin is rampant. Each of us have sinned, so we are a part of this.  Yet God has chosen to call us out of this mess, to become his children.  His children are whole, healthy.  They are not intended to suffer sickness. 

God reaches out to us and says, "I am the Lord that heals you!"

What God has said he will perform. "God is not a man, that he should lie" -Numbers 23:19

So it remains for us to trust that God will follow through on what he has said. His intention for us is that we live in health. We are his special children.  

We can be sure that he will respond when we ask him for the blessing of health, no matter if it be from cancer, hepatitis, diseases that affect our nerves, or other non-health issues such as depression, anxiety or anger. Perhaps we are tormented by demonic issues, God is bigger that that. He says, "I am your healer." Trust him!

"Lord thank you that you have called me into a relationship with you! I am your child. You don't want me to continue living with this illness.  I ask you to do a miracle in my life and that you would remove this affliction! In Jesus name I speak health to my spirit soul and body, and I command anything not of you, Jesus, to leave. I trust you God that you are faithful to perform your word. Thank you. In Jesus name, amen"

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Possibilities, not impossibilities!

Luke 18:27 - "The things which are
impossible with men are possible with God".

Why is it that the mountains in our life often seem impossible to overcome? Why do we so often not reach for the higher goal, something that would stretch us beyond our limits?

Precisely that: we see limitations.  A limitation is like a fence, whether an immovable stone wall, a chain link fence, or deadly razor wire. It keeps us inside, while we see other people operating outside of our fence.

We tell ourselves we are being realistic. But are we? We personally are the ones who have set the limits. We based them on past words and experiences, and decided that was as far as we could go.

But God has a bigger plan for us! He gives us a hope and a future. These are things beyond our personal limitations, outside our fences, beyond what we think we can achieve. The fences have to go!

Our fences are based on our past.  God tells us to leave the past behind. Instead, reaching forward to grasp hold of the future he has planned for us!

Philippians 3:13-14 "Brethren I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

"Lord, please forgive me for setting low goals, when you have set all kinds of possibilities before me. Help me to demolish everything that stands in the way between me and your plans for me. I believe that all things are possible with you. I renounce my unbelief! Thank you Jesus! Amen".
