Saturday, April 25, 2020

Announcement regarding Freedom Fellowship!

Freedom Fellowship was started some time ago, to provide resources for parolees, helping them to stay on track in their Christian journey.

Healing Shepherd Ministries has been focused on helping those who experience a need for healing in their lives, physical, emotional and spiritual. 

As there is considerable overlap in the needs of both groups, we are as of today combining both web pages at, our main website.  All resources will be transferred to this new combined site.  Readers will be able to access us through email at  We will be posting relevant material at the new combined site, starting today.

We pray that God continues the healing he has started in your life, and that he will help you to stand courageously against the temptations of life!  Above all, remember that Jesus loves you more than you can imagine!


Pastor Gerry

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Online Service - April 19, 2020

Good morning everyone! I pray you are doing great, despite social distancing and limitations on your normal activities!

However, if you are not well, please feel free to email us at I promise that we will pray for you, and ask for the Lord's intervention in your life.


Here are today's worship songs. Please feel free to just listen to them, or to sing along as you wish, wherever you may be.

The Blessing (Live) - Elevation Worship  

God of Revival - Bethel Music  

Way Maker (Live from Passion 2020) - Passion  

Message Title: Let Revival Come!
Scripture: 1 Kings 17-18
Date: April 19, 2020


It was summertime. The sun beat down mercilessly on a dry and thirsty land. Streams and pools of water had dried up, the crops had failed, and food was scarce. The population of Israel was hurting, badly. No doubt vulnerable people were dying then too, just like today.

Why was this happening? Wasn't this nation known as God's chosen people? Why had God seemingly turned his back on them? Why did it seem as though the nation was cursed by God, rather than blessed?

Today we are going to look at how God used a terrible time of hardship and turned it into blessing. There is hope for us as a nation, too.


Elijah the prophet was God's messenger to the Israelites during the reign of Ahab and Jezebel. Ahab was one of the worst kings the Israelites had had during their checkered history.

Greatly influenced by his Phoenician wife Jezebel, Ahab had spread the worship of Baal the sun-god throughout Israel. Baal worship was rampant in Israel's neighboring countries, and now this sick religion had spread its tentacles throughout Israel, God's chosen people.

Baal worship involved both men and women, and was centered around worshiping the sun, the God of fire. This was a fertility religion and promiscuity was a central part of worship. Possibly the worst part of these pagan practices, was that the people would sacrifice their children by burning them, as an offering to Baal (1).

No wonder that God forbade the Israelites to worship him like the surrounding nations did (2). Yet the Israelites had combined their worship of God, with the worship of Baal, creating a religion which was a travesty.

However, God does not give up on his people, despite the terrible things they were now doing.

So God sends Elijah to king Ahab, telling the king that God is going to impose a drought on Israel. This drought lasted three and a half years (3). The land suffered (4), and as a consequence in an agrarian society, people went hungry, there was famine in the land (5).


After the allotted time, God sends Elijah back to Ahab to announce that God was now going to cause the drought to finish - rain was coming. We see from this that God is a merciful God. The nation had not yet turned back to God, or away from Baal. Yet God said, I am going to send rain (6).

Then, having pronounced an end to the drought, God sends Elijah to call for national repentance.
Elijah calls the prophets of Baal to a show down on Mount Carmel. Elijah challenges them to an epic duel, to determine who is real - the God of their fathers, or Baal?

Elijah gets the prophets of Baal to build and altar and prepare a sacrifice, without lighting the fire. Elijah also, prepares an altar and a sacrifice. He, however, drenches the sacrifice and the altar with water, even filling a ditch around the altar with water. Now, God's prophet challenges the Baal worshipers to call on their God to send down fire from heaven. Nothing happens. They dance around the altar, cutting themselves, calling out for an answer from the sun-god. Nothing.

Then Elijah utters a short prayer. God responds immediately, sending fire from heaven onto the altar and the sacrifice. The fire consumes everything!


When the Israelites see how the God of their fathers responds, while the god called Baal is obviously just a figment of their imagination, they repent. "The Lord, He is the God, the Lord, He is God" (7).

God does not deal with us according to our sins (8). If God did punish us for our sins, nothing would be left of us. We murder our unborn children - 862,000 abortions in the United States in 2017 (9), around 56 million abortions each year worldwide (10). How does this compare with the child sacrifice of Ball worship? No, we do not burn them alive with fire. Instead we dismember them while their hearts are still beating, and throw them out with the trash.

Thankfully God is a merciful God. And there will be an end to the current epidemic.

It is time that we as a nation, and world-wide, turn back to God in heartfelt repentance. We have the blood of millions of unborn babies on our hands, quite apart from having left God out of our society.

We as a nation, and as individuals, need to beg the Lord for forgiveness.


"Lord, we turn to you on behalf of our nation and for ourselves and beg for your forgiveness. As a Christian nation we have turned away from you and slaughtered our children on the altars of convenience. We have thrown the Bible out of our public places, our schools have taught our children perverted sexual practices and abolished prayer, and we have rebelled against you.

"Please forgive our many sins, and bring the rain of revival upon this land again. There has been a drought of the Holy Spirit, please return and draw your people back to you.

"Thank you Lord, for your unending and totally undeserved mercy. Help us turn back to you. In Jesus' name, amen".

1. "The Canaanites worshiped Baal as the sun god and as the storm God - he is usually depicted holding a lightning bolt - who defeated enemies and produced crtops. They also worshiped him as a fertility god who provided children. Baal worship was rooted in sensuality and involved ritualistic prostitution in the temples. At times, appeasing Baal required human sacrifice, usually the firstborn of the one making the sacrifice (Jeremiah 19:5). The priests of Baal appealed to their god in rites of wild abandon which included loud, ecstatic cries and self-inflicted injury (1 Kings 18:28)" -
2. Deuteronomy 12:30
3. James 5:17
4. 1 Kings 17:7
5. 1 Kings 17:12
6. 1 Kings 18:1
7. 1 Kings 18:39
8. Psalms 103:10

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Slaying our giants! - 1 Samuel 17

It is summer. The creek in the valley has slowed to a trickle. Tension fills the air. The Israelite soldiers fearfully gaze across the valley, at the opposing army. Suddenly they see the object of their fear, the giant Goliath, striding out to taunt them. Goliath is 9 1/2 foot tall, probably 4 foot taller than the rest. He challenges the Israelites to send out their strongest warrior to fight him, one on one.

The Israelite soldiers tremble with fear. David, a shepherd boy, has a divine appointment that day. He has experienced God's intervention before. He knows God wants him to do battle with the giant.

David clambers down to the creek, and selects five smooth stones, as ammunition for his sling. He was adept at using the sling, it was part of his skillset.  He climbs up the opposing hill, till he stands before his enemy, Goliath. David takes a stone, places it in the sling, then throws it with all his might at the giant. God guides the stone to exactly the right spot, the forehead,  and the giant is knocked senseless. David pulls the giant's sword, and slays Goliath!

Quite a story.

We all have giants in our lives.  Maybe it is the fight against addiction. Maybe it is some other issue like anger or anxiety.  Or something else.

It is Gods will that we overcome our enemy (1). This will take courage, our giant is not just going to play dead (2).  It will take standing against the enemy's attack (3).

But as with David, God stands ready to fight alongside us (4). There is a partnership principle in our relationship with God. When we draw near to God, he draws near to us (5). David said God teaches his hands to war (6). We are responsible to fight. But it is God who gives us the victory (7).

Whatever our giant,  we can overcome it, with God at our side. We were created to be slayers of giants! Both physical and spiritual.

Continue reading this blog to learn about how to deal with the issues in your life!

Keep on fighting the good fight!

1.  Revelation 3:12
2.  1 Peter 5:8
3.  Ephesians 6:13
4.  Exodus 14:14, Deuteronomy 1:30
5.  James 4:8
6.  Psalm 18:34, 144:1
7.  1 Corinthians 15:57

Monday, April 13, 2020

You can conquer! - 1 Samuel 14:6

1 Samuel 14:6 "... for there is no restraint to the Lord to save by many or by few"

The Philistines assembled to squelch a perceived threat from the Israelites. The Israelite king Saul and prince Jonathan commanded three thousand warriors. Only Saul and Jonathan had swords. The Philistines assembled an enormous force: thirty thousand chariots, six thousand cavalry, and warriors numbering "like the sand on the seashore". Overwhelming odds!

The Israelites hunker down on one side of a pass, the Philistines camp on the other side. The sides of the pass are steep.

Meanwhile, Prince Jonathan is a believer. He trusts God. He knows Israel is God's chosen people. Jonathan decides to step out in faith. He tells his armorbearer God is not worried by the huge size of the enemy. He will ask God to show his will by a very specific sign.

Jonathan takes a step of faith. He immediately springs into action. He and the armorbearer clamber up the opposite side of the pass. They reach the top, and now directly face the enemy. It is at this moment that God responds! He clearly answers Jonathan's prayer. Jonathan commences battle. One man against millions. He strikes down twenty warriors. But how can he destroy a whole army?

God answers Jonathan's step of faith by going to battle on his behalf. A tremor of fear goes through the enemy's ranks. The ground quakes. The Philistine warriors start fighting each other. The Israeli lookouts see the Philistine army melting away. Saul mobilizes the troops and they pursue the Philistines. God gives the Israelites an amazing victory.

We too face huge enemies. Today we face the coronavirus and many other enemies too. Like addiction, emotional issues like anger or fear. Depression and hopelessness. These enemies may seem impossible for us to conquer. But we can be sure it is God's will that we overcome these overwhelming enemies.

It takes a step of faith. Like prince Jonathan, we must recognize that God wants us to vanquish the enemy. We can't do it on our own, but God plus us are a majority! With God nothing is impossible (1). We trust God and he gives us the victory (2). The battle is the Lord's (3).

So whatever the battles we face, God is ready to give us the victory! All it takes, is a Jonathan taking a step of faith!

Will you be that Jonathan?

1. Luke 1:37
2. 1 Cor 15:57
3. 1 Sam 17:47

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Resurrection Day!

Happy Resurrection Day!

Most of us are self-distancing and taking precautions against coronavirus. Many of us are afraid of the future. We may have lost our job and are fearful of bankruptcy. We may be afraid of becoming ill, and dying.

There are a host of issues we could name here.

But today is Resurrection Day! This day we celebrate hope for the future!

3 days before

Let’s go back 2000 years

3 days ago twelve men sat around a table, and observed Passover. Part of the meal was roast lamb, symbolizing Jesus our Passover (1). After the meal, they went to the garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus was arrested. The disciples scattered. After a mock trial, Jesus, who was innocent, was scourged and then condemned to crucifixion.

At 3pm, Jesus cried out “It is finished” and died (2)

Disciples took down Jesus body from the cross, wrapped it in burial cloth, and laid it in a nearby tomb.

What did Jesus mean by saying “It is finished”?

“It is finished” referred to many things Jesus came to do.  He came to preach good news, he came to heal the sick and set people in spiritual bondage, free.

The biggest thing he meant, though, is that as his final act, he was now dying on our behalf.

Why is it that Jesus had to die for us?

It is because since Adam and Eve, mankind has sinned, broken God’s laws.  All of us have sinned. I have and you have. Our collective sin and guilt allowed Satan to bring suffering and death on this planet. This would include the current coronavirus pandemic.

By Jesus dying on our behalf, if we wish to receive it, our guilt can now be removed. He paid the price for us.  The wages of sin is death (3) - Jesus had to die.

Resurrection Day 

Sunday morning some women went to the tomb where Jesus had been buried. They found that the stone blocking entrance to the tomb had been rolled away.

The tomb was empty!

Later on, Peter and John ran to the tomb and verified that the tomb was empty. That evening, Jesus appeared to the disciples, showing he was truly alive. For over five weeks, Jesus appeared to the disciples. Over 500 eye witnesses! (4)

Resurrection day reminds us that Jesus did not stay in the tomb. He was resurrected to new life!  

Not only did he die so we could be forgiven, he now lives to walk with us on this journey

Psalm 139:5 says You are all around me, in front of me and behind me. You have put your hand upon me”. So in this time of fear and uncertainty, Jesus is the Rock we can depend upon. We are not on our own in the face of impending calamity. Whatever we go through, whether it is loss of a job, fear of financial disgrace, if we are sick and even if we die, Jesus is with us. He told us “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (5)


So Resurrection Day is a day of hope.

We are not on our own as we face the challenges of life, no matter how insurmountable they may seem. Our hurts, hangups and addictions have an answer.

Jesus is not still hanging on the cross, or buried in the tomb.  Jesus is alive and truly with us. He welcomes all who want this relationship with him, to turn to him.

Do you want to start this relationship with him today? Please pray the following prayer together with me.

“Lord Jesus, thank you for dying in my place so my sins can be forgiven.
“Please remove my guilt from me and give me a fresh start.
“I surrender my life to you and ask you to come in and transform me from the inside out.
“Thank you for hearing and responding to this prayer.
“In Jesus’ name, amen”

If you prayed this prayer today, please let us know by emailing us at or by commenting below.  We will send you literature to help you on your personal journey with the One who is the true shepherd of your soul.  

“Lord we come to you this morning on Resurrection Day.
“We celebrate the fact that you were raised from the dead, walked out of the tomb, and have been transforming lives ever since.
“We pray that you would be with each one of us and walk through our individual storms with us.
“Please cause the coronavirus epidemic to come to an end, and keep your people safe from the pestilence that walks at noonday.
“We ask that we as a nation would have a change of heart and turn to you.
“And we pray for your blessing upon us this day.  
“Thank you for your incredible love for us. In Jesus name, amen.”

1.  1 Cor 5:7
2. John 19:30
3. 1 John 3:4
4. Acts 1:3, 1 Corinthians 15:6
5. Heb 13:5

Monday, March 23, 2020

A question of Fear ...

Fear ...

During the past couple of weeks we have heard a lot about fear.  At this time, it has generally centered around an unknown, the coronavirus epidemic, and a generalized fear of consequently not being able to take care of our basic physical needs, the economy going into recession, loss of our jobs, etc. There is no doubt that this current situation we are experiencing will have a lasting impact on the rest of our lives.

You yourself probably have some fears.

Is it rational to be afraid?  Sometimes, yes.  We may have a real basis for the fear.  We may be able to do something about the thing we are afraid of.  Other times, the fear may not be so logical, there may be a generalized anxiety, without a solid event as a focus.

Fear, however is fear.  Whether the basis is rational or not.

Fear is our inner reaction to something that we perceive to be beyond our ability to handle.  It is a protective reaction that keeps us from going down what could be a dangerous path.  We are alert to possible consequences, and steer clear of them.

For example, the coronavirus scare.  The fear of contracting the disease leads us to do those things which would hopefully protect us from infection.  Washing our hands with soap after being in public, avoiding touching our faces, isolating ourselves from sick people (which, because we don't know exactly who is sick, translates into self-isolating and keeping away from gatherings of people).  When we do all these things, we are not so afraid any more, because we have responded to the threat appropriately.

This is a perfectly good and commendable way to deal with the fear (1).

What can happen, though, is that we hang onto the fear.  We allow ourselves to continue being anxious, even though the thing we fear has been minimized as a threat.  We allow the anxiety to fester, our thoughts feed on it, and we can become panicky. Just like anger, if we hang onto fear or anxiety, it becomes sin (2).  This negative thinking can then depress our immune system, lowering our physical defenses, and we become more likely to become sick.

God does not intend for us to live in fear (3).  There is a reason for this.  When we allow fear to gain the upper hand in our life, we open ourselves up to be manipulated by Satan in that particular area of our life.  God tells us to actively resist the devil, and that he will then flee from us (4).

The opposite is also true. This is a battle, spiritual warfare (5).  If we do not actively resist the devil, he will be able to draw near to us (4).  Now that sounds scary.

Next post we will look at this in more detail.

1.  Proverbs 6:6-11.  Principle. See the coming situation and respond accordingly.
2.  James 1:14-15.  Principle.  Sin starts with temptation, which when entertained in the mind, brings forth sinful action. Fear itself is not sin, but if we allow it to continue it shows lack of faith which is sin (Romans 14:23)
3.  2 Timothy 1:7
4.  James 4:7-8
5.  Ephesians 6:10-12

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

A chance encounter ...!

Last November, I ran into someone I hadn't met before, in Redding.

I made a comment that the rain that had been forecast, had not yet come.  He said it wouldn't, he had prayed that it would not rain until after he had finished work.

A little later in the conversation he mentioned that he had been to heaven.  I digested this for a bit.  I asked, how did you die? He said he fell down a 200 foot cliff. Broken ribs and pelvis, internal bleeding, face messed up, collapsed lung.

The first thing he saw, was some huge feet.  He "knew" it was Jesus.  Jesus said to him that he couldn't stay, he was needed by his family. He then woke up, in the morgue.  He was lying on a table, strapped down.  He wondered how to let people know he was alive.  He noticed his dad was at the foot of the table, holding his ankles, praying.  He moved his foot.  His dad freaked out.  Doctors came, was x-rayed, no more broken bones, all was normal.

I had once seen the picture shown with this post, but had been unable to re-find it on the internet.  Then, today, it popped up on my Facebook page.  So I am sharing it with all my friends.  That's the story behind the post ...

I suspect that maybe there is someone out there who needs to hear this!

Friday, January 31, 2020

Clothed in white!

This morning I was reading Exodus 28, where God details to Moses how the priests are to be dressed.  The description given shows no expense was spared. The colors are of gold, blue, purple, scarlet and fine white linen. Gemstones are added, large enough to engrave the names of the tribes upon. God is particular about how his representatives are dressed.

These instructions of course were for a physical priesthood. The people of Israel would clearly see the special calling of the priests. God provided special clothing for his representatives.

In the New Testament, there is no instruction that apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, elders or teachers should be dressed in any particular way, different from the people around them.  Perhaps this is because basically we are all the same, sinners saved by grace (1). However, the Bible does tell us to honor those placed over us (2), that pastors and elders should receive remuneration as a mark of the honor God places on them, and the work that they do (3). So a distinction is made, not because of any particular personal goodness, but because God honors the office.

When Jesus returns and we are clothed with our spiritual body (4), we will receive garments of white (5). These white garments have a meaning attached to them, the righteousness of the saints (6).

Where does this righteousness come from?  Is it because of the elder's obedience? No, not really. Though pastors and elders are held to high behavioral standards (7), they are human and are not perfect (8).  The righteousness represented by white robes is given to each of us by grace (9).

The righteousness we receive comes through our sins having been forgiven, washed figuratively in the blood of our passover Lamb, Jesus (10).  Just as the blood of the passover lamb, painted on the door posts, protected the Israelites from death (11), similarly we are protected from the consequences of our sins (12) by the blood of Jesus, shed on the Cross for the forgiveness of our sins. Jesus became our passover lamb, the ultimate sacrifice (13).

In the old testament sins were forgiven by a sacrifice (14).  But the blood of animals cannot atone for sin (15). It took the blood of Jesus to accomplish this for us. This is how we receive these robes of righteousness.

"Dear Lord, thank you so much for sending your son Jesus, to become our passover Lamb.  Thank you that because of his sacrifice, I can be forgiven, cleansed of all my sins.  I ask you to forgive me, and give me a robe of righteousness, symbolically cleansed by the blood of the Lamb. Thank you for this fresh start in my life. In Jesus name, amen."

1. Romans 3:10, 23, Ephesians 2:5, 8
2. 1 Peter 2:17
3. 1 Timothy 5:17
4. 1 Corinthians 15:35-44
5. Revelation 6:11, 7:9-14
6. Revelation 19:8
7. 1 Timory 3:1-7
8. Romans 3:10
9. Romans 3:22-24
10. 1 Corinthians 5:7, Revelation 7:14
11. Exodus 12:1-14
12. Romans 6:23, Revelation 1:5
13. 1 Corinthians 5:7
14. Leviticus 4:1-35
15. Isaiah 1:11, Hebrews 10:4

Sunday, January 19, 2020

I'm your God, I'm your Healer!

Exodus 15:26 "If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians: for I am the LORD that healeth thee."

There is so much sickness on this earth! So many people are ill.  Sickness comes in many forms: physical illness, emotional issues, addictions, basically anything that stops us living a healthy life.

Perhaps you are ill in some way.

In the above verse God is saying he is our healer.  He wants us to be healthy! His intention for us is not that we live in pain or torment or subservient to some kind of addiction.  His people are meant to be healthy!  This verse says that sickness is a punishment for God's enemies, but not for his children.  

So why are we sick?

We live in a fallen world, sin is rampant. Each of us have sinned, so we are a part of this.  Yet God has chosen to call us out of this mess, to become his children.  His children are whole, healthy.  They are not intended to suffer sickness. 

God reaches out to us and says, "I am the Lord that heals you!"

What God has said he will perform. "God is not a man, that he should lie" -Numbers 23:19

So it remains for us to trust that God will follow through on what he has said. His intention for us is that we live in health. We are his special children.  

We can be sure that he will respond when we ask him for the blessing of health, no matter if it be from cancer, hepatitis, diseases that affect our nerves, or other non-health issues such as depression, anxiety or anger. Perhaps we are tormented by demonic issues, God is bigger that that. He says, "I am your healer." Trust him!

"Lord thank you that you have called me into a relationship with you! I am your child. You don't want me to continue living with this illness.  I ask you to do a miracle in my life and that you would remove this affliction! In Jesus name I speak health to my spirit soul and body, and I command anything not of you, Jesus, to leave. I trust you God that you are faithful to perform your word. Thank you. In Jesus name, amen"

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Possibilities, not impossibilities!

Luke 18:27 - "The things which are
impossible with men are possible with God".

Why is it that the mountains in our life often seem impossible to overcome? Why do we so often not reach for the higher goal, something that would stretch us beyond our limits?

Precisely that: we see limitations.  A limitation is like a fence, whether an immovable stone wall, a chain link fence, or deadly razor wire. It keeps us inside, while we see other people operating outside of our fence.

We tell ourselves we are being realistic. But are we? We personally are the ones who have set the limits. We based them on past words and experiences, and decided that was as far as we could go.

But God has a bigger plan for us! He gives us a hope and a future. These are things beyond our personal limitations, outside our fences, beyond what we think we can achieve. The fences have to go!

Our fences are based on our past.  God tells us to leave the past behind. Instead, reaching forward to grasp hold of the future he has planned for us!

Philippians 3:13-14 "Brethren I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before, I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."

"Lord, please forgive me for setting low goals, when you have set all kinds of possibilities before me. Help me to demolish everything that stands in the way between me and your plans for me. I believe that all things are possible with you. I renounce my unbelief! Thank you Jesus! Amen".


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Progress update!

For those of you looking to see how the site is progressing, here is a short update.  

We are currently working on creating resource materials, which readers will be able to access from the website.  These will include PDF's about subjects like our identity as a Christian, how to deal with forgiveness, anger, anxiety and similar subjects.  These will be referenced in future blog posts, and listed on the resource page.  Readers are invited to email us with prayer requests, and also request biblical counseling as  needed.  Blog posts will become more regular as the background work becomes ready.  

Just to let you know that this new direction for us, is progressing!

Have a blessed day!

Chaplain Gerry

Monday, November 4, 2019

Welcome to Freedom Fellowship!

Thank you for visiting!

This online fellowship has been created to encourage you to grow and develop into the person God created you to be.

He accepts us exactly as we are at this moment (1).  Wow, that is quite a statement!  Many of us never really felt accepted.  For us to be accepted by God is amazing, accepted just as we are, with no strings attached!  Unconditional!  For many of us this alone is huge.

Then God gradually molds us into an increasingly more valuable person (2).  Valuable to ourselves (our self-worth), valuable to others (ability to help others) and valuable to God (we are precious to God)!

He gives us a purpose, a reason for being (3).  He gives us hope!  Hope for a better today than yesterday, a better tomorrow than today!

It is our intention to accept you where you are, and then help you grow into the person you were made to be!

Welcome to the family!

Pastor Gerry

1.  Ephesians 1:6
2.  2 Corinthians 3:18
3.  Jeremiah 29:11